This is the file. Its look functiunal and dosent show any reason to not work.
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the sscanf 2.0 SA:MP plugin.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alex "******" Cole.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright © 2010
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Special Thanks to:
* SA:MP Team past, present and future
#if defined _inc_a_npc
#pragma library sscanf
#elseif !defined _inc_a_samp
#error Please include <a_npc> or <a_samp> first.
#define SSCANF:%0(%1) sscanf_%0(%1);public sscanf_%0(%1)
#if defined sscanf
#error sscanf (possibly the PAWN version) already defined.
native sscanf(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
native unformat(const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:...) = sscanf;
native SSCANF_Init(players, invalid, len);
native SSCANF_Join(playerid, const name[], npc);
native SSCANF_Leave(playerid);
native SSCANF_Option(const name[], value);
stock const
static stock
bool:SSCANF_gInit = false,
SSCANF_g_sPlayers[MAX_PLAYERS char];
#if defined _inc_a_npc
forward SSCANF_PlayerCheck();
Called when the script starts if it is a NPC mode, sets up the system,
then calls the "real" OnNPCModeInit (using the new ALS 2 hook method).
public OnNPCModeInit()
#if !defined SSCANF_NO_PLAYERS
// Initialise the system.
SetTimer("SSCANF_PlayerCheck", 1, 1);
#if defined SSCANF_OnNPCModeInit
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnNPCModeInit
#undef OnNPCModeInit
#define _ALS_OnNPCModeInit
#define OnNPCModeInit SSCANF_OnNPCModeInit
#if defined SSCANF_OnNPCModeInit
forward SSCANF_OnNPCModeInit();
NPC modes have no "OnPlayerConnect callback, so we need to simulate one.
#if !defined SSCANF_NO_PLAYERS
public SSCANF_PlayerCheck()
for (new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
if (!SSCANF_g_sPlayers{i})
GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof (name));
// We have no way to know if they are an NPC or not!
SSCANF_Join(i, name, 0);
SSCANF_g_sPlayers{i} = 1;
if (SSCANF_g_sPlayers{i})
SSCANF_g_sPlayers{i} = 0;
Called when the script starts if it is a filterscript, sets up the system,
then calls the "real" OnFilterScriptInit (using the new ALS 2 hook
public OnFilterScriptInit()
SSCANF_gInit = true;
#if defined SSCANF_OnFilterScriptInit
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#undef OnFilterScriptInit
#define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#define OnFilterScriptInit SSCANF_OnFilterScriptInit
#if defined SSCANF_OnFilterScriptInit
forward SSCANF_OnFilterScriptInit();
Called when the script starts if it is a gamemode. This callback is also
called in filterscripts so we don't want to reinitialise the system in
that case.
public OnGameModeInit()
if (!SSCANF_gInit)
SSCANF_gInit = true;
#if defined SSCANF_OnGameModeInit
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#undef OnGameModeInit
#define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#define OnGameModeInit SSCANF_OnGameModeInit
#if defined SSCANF_OnGameModeInit
forward SSCANF_OnGameModeInit();
Called when a player connects. Actually increments an internal count so
that if a script ends and "OnPlayerDisconnect" is called then "sscanf"
still knows that the player is really connected. Also stores their name
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof (name));
SSCANF_Join(playerid, name, IsPlayerNPC(playerid));
CallLocalFunction("SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid);
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#undef OnPlayerConnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect
forward SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
Called when a player disconnects, or when a script is ended.
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
CallLocalFunction("SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect", "ii", playerid, reason);
return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#undef OnPlayerDisconnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#define OnPlayerDisconnect SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect
forward SSCANF_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);
#define SSCANF_Init
#define SSCANF_Join
#define SSCANF_Leave
#define extract%0->%1; EXTRN%1;unformat(_:EXTRZ:EXTRV:EXTRX:%0,##,%1,,);
#define unformat(_:EXTRZ:EXTRV:EXTRX:%0,##,%1);%2else if (unformat(_:EXTRV:EXTRX:%0,##,%1))
#define EXTRV:EXTRX:%0<%3>##,%9new%1,%2) EXTRY:%0##P<%3>,|||%1|||%2)
#define EXTRX:%0##,%9new%1,%2) EXTRY:%0##,|||%1|||%2)
#define EXTR8:EXTR9:EXTR0:EXTR1:EXTR2:EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%6:%3=%9|||%4) %6_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4)
#define EXTR9:EXTR0:EXTR1:EXTR2:EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4) __EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4)
#define EXTR0:EXTR1:EXTR2:EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%6:%3[%7]|||%4) %6_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4)
#define EXTR1:EXTR2:EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4) __EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4)
#define EXTR2:EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%6:%3|||%4) %6_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4)
#define EXTR3:EXTR4:%0##%1,,%2||||||%4) %0##%1,%2)
#define EXTR4:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4) __EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4)
// Optional specifiers.
#define __EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1I"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define Float_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1F"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define player_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1U"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define string_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1S"("#%9")"#[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
// Normal specifiers (the double underscore is to work for "_:".
#define __EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1i,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define Float_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1f,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define player_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1u,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
//#define string_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1s[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
// Array versions of normal specifiers.
#define __EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<i>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define Float_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<f>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define player_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<u>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define string_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1s[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
// Get rid of excess leading space which causes warnings.
#define EXTRN%0new%1; new%1;
#if !defined string
#define string:
#define player:
#define hex:
#define hex_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1H"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define hex_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1h,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define hex_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<h>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define bin:
#define bin_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1B"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define bin_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1b,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define bin_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<b>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define kustom:%0<%1> %0
#define kustom_EXTRO:%0##%1,%2|||%3<%8>=%9|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1K<%8>"("#%9")"#,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
#define kustom_EXTRN:%0##%1,%2|||%3<%8>|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1k<%8>,%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
//#define bin_EXTRW:%0##%1,%2|||%3[%7]|||%4,%5) EXTRY:%0##%1a<b>[%7],%2,%3|||%4|||%5)
// This function is VERY basic, needs VASTLY improving to detect variations.
if ('0' <= string[0] <= '9')
ret = strval(string);
if (0 <= ret <= 18 || 22 <= ret <= 46)
return ret;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Unarmed")) return 0;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Brass Knuckles")) return 1;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Golf Club")) return 2;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Night Stick")) return 3;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Knife")) return 4;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Baseball Bat")) return 5;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Shovel")) return 6;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Pool cue")) return 7;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Katana")) return 8;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Chainsaw")) return 9;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Purple Dildo")) return 10;
else if (!strcmp(string, "White Dildo")) return 11;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Long White Dildo")) return 12;
else if (!strcmp(string, "White Dildo 2")) return 13;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Flowers")) return 14;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cane")) return 15;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Grenades")) return 16;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tear Gas")) return 17;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Molotovs")) return 18;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Pistol")) return 22;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Silenced Pistol")) return 23;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Desert Eagle")) return 24;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Shotgun")) return 25;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sawn Off Shotgun")) return 26;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Combat Shotgun")) return 27;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Micro Uzi")) return 28;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mac 10")) return 28;
else if (!strcmp(string, "MP5")) return 29;
else if (!strcmp(string, "AK47")) return 30;
else if (!strcmp(string, "M4")) return 31;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tec9")) return 32;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rifle")) return 33;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sniper Rifle")) return 34;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RPG")) return 35;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Missile Launcher")) return 36;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Flame Thrower")) return 37;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Minigun")) return 38;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sachel Charges")) return 39;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Detonator")) return 40;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Spray Paint")) return 41;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Fire Extinguisher")) return 42;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Camera")) return 43;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Nightvision Goggles")) return 44;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Thermal Goggles")) return 45;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Parachute")) return 46;
return -1;
// This function is VERY basic, needs VASTLY improving to detect variations.
if ('0' <= string[0] <= '9')
ret = strval(string);
if (400 <= ret <= 611)
return ret;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Landstalker")) return 400;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bravura")) return 401;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Buffalo")) return 402;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Linerunner")) return 403;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Perenniel")) return 404;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sentinel")) return 405;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Dumper")) return 406;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Firetruck")) return 407;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Trashmaster")) return 408;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Stretch")) return 409;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Manana")) return 410;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Infernus")) return 411;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Voodoo")) return 412;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Pony")) return 413;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mule")) return 414;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cheetah")) return 415;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Ambulance")) return 416;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Leviathan")) return 417;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Moonbeam")) return 418;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Esperanto")) return 419;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Taxi")) return 420;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Washington")) return 421;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bobcat")) return 422;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mr Whoopee")) return 423;
else if (!strcmp(string, "BF Injection")) return 424;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hunter")) return 425;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Premier")) return 426;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Enforcer")) return 427;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Securicar")) return 428;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Banshee")) return 429;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Predator")) return 430;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bus")) return 431;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rhino")) return 432;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Barracks")) return 433;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hotknife")) return 434;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Article Trailer")) return 435;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Previon")) return 436;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Coach")) return 437;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cabbie")) return 438;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Stallion")) return 439;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rumpo")) return 440;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Bandit")) return 441;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Romero")) return 442;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Packer")) return 443;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Monster")) return 444;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Admiral")) return 445;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Squallo")) return 446;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Seasparrow")) return 447;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Pizzaboy")) return 448;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tram")) return 449;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Article Trailer 2")) return 450;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Turismo")) return 451;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Speeder")) return 452;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Reefer")) return 453;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tropic")) return 454;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Flatbed")) return 455;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Yankee")) return 456;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Caddy")) return 457;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Solair")) return 458;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Berkley's RC Van")) return 459;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Skimmer")) return 460;
else if (!strcmp(string, "PCJ-600")) return 461;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Faggio")) return 462;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Freeway")) return 463;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Baron")) return 464;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Raider")) return 465;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Glendale")) return 466;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Oceanic")) return 467;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sanchez")) return 468;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sparrow")) return 469;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Patriot")) return 470;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Quad")) return 471;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Coastguard")) return 472;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Dinghy")) return 473;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hermes")) return 474;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sabre")) return 475;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rustler")) return 476;
else if (!strcmp(string, "ZR-350")) return 477;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Walton")) return 478;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Regina")) return 479;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Comet")) return 480;
else if (!strcmp(string, "BMX")) return 481;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Burrito")) return 482;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Camper")) return 483;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Marquis")) return 484;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Baggage")) return 485;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Dozer")) return 486;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Maverick")) return 487;
else if (!strcmp(string, "SAN News Maverick")) return 488;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rancher")) return 489;
else if (!strcmp(string, "FBI Rancher")) return 490;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Virgo")) return 491;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Greenwood")) return 492;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Jetmax")) return 493;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hotring Racer")) return 494;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sandking")) return 495;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Blista Compact")) return 496;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Police Maverick")) return 497;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Boxville")) return 498;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Benson")) return 499;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mesa")) return 500;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Goblin")) return 501;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hotring Racer")) return 502;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hotring Racer")) return 503;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bloodring Banger")) return 504;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Rancher")) return 505;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Super GT")) return 506;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Elegant")) return 507;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Journey")) return 508;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bike")) return 509;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mountain Bike")) return 510;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Beagle")) return 511;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cropduster")) return 512;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Stuntplane")) return 513;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tanker")) return 514;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Roadtrain")) return 515;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Nebula")) return 516;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Majestic")) return 517;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Buccaneer")) return 518;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Shamal")) return 519;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hydra")) return 520;
else if (!strcmp(string, "FCR-900")) return 521;
else if (!strcmp(string, "NRG-500")) return 522;
else if (!strcmp(string, "HPV1000")) return 523;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cement Truck")) return 524;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Towtruck")) return 525;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Fortune")) return 526;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cadrona")) return 527;
else if (!strcmp(string, "FBI Truck")) return 528;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Willard")) return 529;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Forklift")) return 530;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tractor")) return 531;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Combine Harvester")) return 532;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Feltzer")) return 533;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Remington")) return 534;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Slamvan")) return 535;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Blade")) return 536;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Freight (Train)")) return 537;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Brownstreak (Train)")) return 538;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Vortex")) return 539;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Vincent")) return 540;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bullet")) return 541;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Clover")) return 542;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sadler")) return 543;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Firetruck LA")) return 544;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hustler")) return 545;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Intruder")) return 546;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Primo")) return 547;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Cargobob")) return 548;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tampa")) return 549;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sunrise")) return 550;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Merit")) return 551;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Utility Van")) return 552;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Nevada")) return 553;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Yosemite")) return 554;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Windsor")) return 555;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Monster \"A\"")) return 556;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Monster \"B\"")) return 557;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Uranus")) return 558;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Jester")) return 559;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sultan")) return 560;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Stratum")) return 561;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Elegy")) return 562;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Raindance")) return 563;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Tiger")) return 564;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Flash")) return 565;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tahoma")) return 566;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Savanna")) return 567;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Bandito")) return 568;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Freight Flat Trailer (Train)")) return 569;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Streak Trailer (Train)")) return 570;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Kart")) return 571;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Mower")) return 572;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Dune")) return 573;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sweeper")) return 574;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Broadway")) return 575;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tornado")) return 576;
else if (!strcmp(string, "AT400")) return 577;
else if (!strcmp(string, "DFT-30")) return 578;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Huntley")) return 579;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Stafford")) return 580;
else if (!strcmp(string, "BF-400")) return 581;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Newsvan")) return 582;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tug")) return 583;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Petrol Trailer")) return 584;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Emperor")) return 585;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Wayfarer")) return 586;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Euros")) return 587;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Hotdog")) return 588;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Club")) return 589;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Freight Box Trailer (Train)")) return 590;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Article Trailer 3")) return 591;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Andromada")) return 592;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Dodo")) return 593;
else if (!strcmp(string, "RC Cam")) return 594;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Launch")) return 595;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Police Car (LSPD)")) return 596;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Police Car (SFPD)")) return 597;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Police Car (LVPD)")) return 598;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Police Ranger")) return 599;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Picador")) return 600;
else if (!strcmp(string, "S.W.A.T.")) return 601;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Alpha")) return 602;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Phoenix")) return 603;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Glendale Shit")) return 604;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Sadler Shit")) return 605;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Baggage Trailer \"A\"")) return 606;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Baggage Trailer \"B\"")) return 607;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Tug Stairs Trailer")) return 608;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Boxville")) return 609;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Farm Trailer")) return 610;
else if (!strcmp(string, "Utility Trailer")) return 611;
return -1;
// Fix the compiler crash when both the PAWN and Plugin versions of sscanf are
// found by renaming the old version at declaration. ( compatible
// naming scheme: "BAD_Function()").
#define sscanf(%0:...) BAD_sscanf(%0:...)