Script wont load

I start my server -Linux , CentOS,
and this comes up:

[15:30:30] Script[gamemodes/NCRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:30:30] Number of vehicle models: 0

Yet I have compiled it - No errors or warnings.
I have put it in gamemodes.
I have put it in the server.cfg under the gamemodes

It means a file or function ISN'T found. This can't be caused by compiling, and therefore no warnings or errors will show up. You may be missing a plug-in dependent on the script.

To find out what you may be missing use nativechecker.
You can find it here,


[17:35:02] Loaded.
[17:35:02] Loading plugin:
[17:35:02] >> plugin.mysql: R38 successfully loaded.
[17:35:02] Loaded.
[17:35:02] Loading plugin:
[17:35:02] Loaded.
[17:35:02] Loading plugin:
[17:35:02] Failed (plugins/ symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file with link time reference)
[17:35:02] Loading plugin:
[17:35:02] Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[17:35:02] Loaded 6 plugins.

[17:35:03] Filterscripts
[17:35:03] ---------------
[17:35:03] Loading filterscript 'Mapping.amx'...
[17:35:03] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_sendto_remote_client'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_close_remote_client'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_create'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'is_socket_valid'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_set_max_connections'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_listen'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'socket_destroy'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_insert_id'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_store_result'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_num_rows'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row'
[17:35:03] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_free_result'
[17:35:03] Script[gamemodes/NCRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:35:03] Number of vehicle models: 0

THIS Is what I get!

Update your MySQL to R9-2

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