26.09.2014, 08:12
i have tazer system, its with different way, not slinced pistol its with object 18642.
i have a problem with it, if i have the tazer ( = 1 )and another player shoted me with any weapon i will get tazed, and if i don't have tazer ( = 0 ) they can't taze me, btw i can't taze anyone if i have tazer and if i don't, i hope you can help me, Here is the code :
i have tazer system, its with different way, not slinced pistol its with object 18642.
i have a problem with it, if i have the tazer ( = 1 )and another player shoted me with any weapon i will get tazed, and if i don't have tazer ( = 0 ) they can't taze me, btw i can't taze anyone if i have tazer and if i don't, i hope you can help me, Here is the code :
new playerid, playerb; if(Tazer[playerid] == 1) { if(!IsPlayerTazed(Target) && !IsPlayerCuffed(Target) && !IsPlayerTied(Target)) { new Float:HP, Float:Armor; GetPlayerHealth(Target, HP); GetPlayerArmour(Target, Armor); SetPlayerHealth(Target, HealthLost+HP); SetPlayerArmour(Target, ArmourLost+Armor); if(!IsPlayerNearPlayer(Shooter, Target, 12)) return SendClientMessage(Shooter, COLOR_GREY, "You are too far away from that player."); format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s aims their tazer on %s and tazes them.", RPN(Shooter), RPN(Target)); SendNearbyMessage(Shooter, 15, string, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE); GameTextForPlayer(Target, "~r~Tazed", 3500, 3); ApplyAnimation(Target,"CRACK","crckdeth2",4.1,0,1,1,1,1,1); TogglePlayerControllable(Target, 0); TogglePlayerTazed(Target, 2); TazeTimeout[Target] = 11; TazeCountDown[Target] = SetTimerEx("TazeTimer", 1000, true, "d", Target); } } }