My pawn gets crashed ?

lol, ma pawn gets crashed cause of these lines and when i remove them everyhting goes fine any help to fix them ?
pawn Код:
CMD:cmds(playerid,params[]) {
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID3+54, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}SFTDM - Commands", "{FFFFFF}/go [id] to teleport to someone /gos to disable it\n/pm [id] [message] for private message and /pms to disable it\n/changename for name changing\n/countdown to start a count down\n/saveskin [skinid] /useskin /dontuseskin to save and use the skin you want\n/veh or /lvehicle to spawn temp cars\n/vmenu for vehicle commands\n/bmenu for bussiness commands\nhmenu for house commands\n/admins to know online administrators","Next","Exit");
    return 1;}

CMD:cmds2(playerid,params[]) {
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9642, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}SFTDM - Commands", "{FFFFFF}/color to change your name color\n/fstyles to change your fighting style\n/kill to retared your own self\n/anims for a list of the anims you can use\n/teleports for a list of current tps\n/call to make a phone call /answer to answer one /hangup to shut the line\ntelebank to go to bank\n/night and /day to change your own time\n/w for whispering /cw to talk to others in car","Exit","");
    return 1;}

No indentation... (facepalm)
The lines are WAY too huge.

pawn Код:
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID3+54, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}SFTDM - Commands", "{FFFFFF}/go [id] to teleport to someone /gos to disable it\n/pm [id] [message] for private message and /pms to disable it\n \
    /changename for name changing\n/countdown to start a count down\n/saveskin [skinid] /useskin /dontuseskin to save and use the skin you want\n\
    /veh or /lvehicle to spawn temp cars\n/vmenu for vehicle commands\n/bmenu for bussiness commands\nhmenu for house commands\n/admins to know online administrators"
    return 1;

    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9642, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}SFTDM - Commands", "{FFFFFF}/color to change your name color\n\
    /fstyles to change your fighting style\n/kill to retared your own self\n/anims for a list of the anims you can use\n\
    /teleports for a list of current tps\n/call to make a phone call /answer to answer one /hangup to shut the line\n\
    /telebank to go to bank\n/night and /day to change your own time\n/w for whispering /cw to talk to others in car"
    return 1;

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