remove remove building

is there anyway to bring back all the removed buildings for players without restarting the server?
Like you use 2 RemoveBuilding lines for a map and then want to show the removed stuff to players again during the second map change, is it possible without restarting the server?

It's not a server issue this is a per-player type function so the only way is make the player disconnect or replace any removed buildings with ideally dynamic objects.

I wrote a quick include after I posted to help handle doing this I think I got it all correct honestly I didn't even test it but it should work

All the correct rotations are located in this include
You could also use Texture Studio to automatically swap buildings then export your map.

pawn Код:
// AddRemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, groupid=-1, bool:hide=true)
// ShowRemoveBuilding(index)
// ShowAllRemoveBuilding()
// ShowRemoveBuildingGroup(groupid)
// HideRemoveBulding(index)
// HideAllRemoveBuilding()
// HideRemoveBuldingGroup(groupid)

#include <YSI\y_iterate>
#include <YSI\y_hooks>
#include <streamer>

#define         MAX_REMOVED_BUILDINGS           1000

static Iterator:RemovedBuildings<MAX_REMOVED_BUILDINGS>;



// Remove all buildings when a player connects
hook OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    foreach(new i : RemovedBuildings)
        RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid,  RBData[i][RB_ModelID],  RBData[i][RB_X], RBData[i][RB_Y], RBData[i][RB_Z], 0.25);
    return 1;

// Add a new remove building
stock AddRemoveBuilding(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, groupid=-1, bool:hide=true)
    new index = Iter_Free(RemovedBuildings);
    if(index > -1)
        Iter_Add(RemovedBuildings, index);

        RBData[index][RB_ModelID] = modelid;
        RBData[index][RB_X] = x;
        RBData[index][RB_Y] = y;
        RBData[index][RB_Z] = z;
        RBData[index][RB_RX] = rx;
        RBData[index][RB_RY] = ry;
        RBData[index][RB_RZ] = rz;
        RBData[index][RB_Shown] = hide;
        RBData[index][RB_GroupID] = groupid;
        foreach(new i : Player)
            RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, modelid, x, y, z, 0.25);
        if(!hide) RBData[index][RB_ObjectID] = CreateDynamicObject(modelid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, -1, -1, -1, 300.0, 300.0);
        return index;

    printf("Error::AddRemoveBuilding::Tried to remove too many buildings");
    return 0;

// Show a specific building
stock ShowRemoveBuilding(index)
    if(Iter_Contains(RemovedBuildings, index))
        if(RBData[index][RB_Shown] == false)
            RBData[index][RB_ObjectID] = CreateDynamicObject(RBData[index][RB_ModelID], RBData[index][RB_X], RBData[index][RB_Y], RBData[index][RB_Z], RBData[index][RB_RX], RBData[index][RB_RY], RBData[index][RB_RZ], -1, -1, -1, 300.0, 300.0);
            RBData[index][RB_Shown] = true;
            return 1;
        printf("Error::ShowRemoveBuilding::Building is already shown::Index:%i", index);
        return 0;
    printf("Error::ShowRemoveBuilding::Index is invalid::Index:%i", index);
    return 0;

// Show all removed buildings
stock ShowAllRemoveBuilding()
    foreach(new i : RemovedBuildings)
        if(RBData[i][RB_Shown] == false)
            RBData[i][RB_ObjectID] = CreateDynamicObject(RBData[i][RB_ModelID], RBData[i][RB_X], RBData[i][RB_Y], RBData[i][RB_Z], RBData[i][RB_RX], RBData[i][RB_RY], RBData[i][RB_RZ], -1, -1, -1, 300.0, 300.0);
            RBData[i][RB_Shown] = true;
    return 1;

// Show only a group of remove buildings
stock ShowRemoveBuildingGroup(groupid)
    foreach(new i : RemovedBuildings)
        if(RBData[i][RB_Shown] == false && RBData[i][RB_GroupID] == groupid)
            RBData[i][RB_ObjectID] = CreateDynamicObject(RBData[i][RB_ModelID], RBData[i][RB_X], RBData[i][RB_Y], RBData[i][RB_Z], RBData[i][RB_RX], RBData[i][RB_RY], RBData[i][RB_RZ], -1, -1, -1, 300.0, 300.0);
            RBData[i][RB_Shown] = true;
    return 1;

// Hide a specific building
stock HideRemoveBulding(index)
    if(Iter_Contains(RemovedBuildings, index))
        if(RBData[index][RB_Shown] == true)
            RBData[index][RB_Shown] = false;
            return 1;
        printf("Error::HideRemoveBulding::Building is already hidden::Index:%i", index);
        return 0;
    printf("Error::HideRemoveBulding::Index is invalid::Index:%i", index);
    return 0;

// Hide all removed buildings
stock HideAllRemoveBuilding()
    foreach(new i : RemovedBuildings)
        if(RBData[i][RB_Shown] == true BData[i][RB_GroupID] == groupid)
            RBData[i][RB_Shown] = false;
    return 1;

// Hide a group of removed buildings
stock HideRemoveBuldingGroup(groupid)
    foreach(new i : RemovedBuildings)
        if(RBData[i][RB_Shown] == true && )
            RBData[i][RB_Shown] = false;
    return 1;

But...let's say i got a gamemode with 6 changing maps with 100 RemoveBuildings each. If i replace the RemoveBuildings with createdynamicobjects by the time i reach my 6th map,I'd have 500+ remove buildings which actually exceeds the samp remove buildings limit right? Is there a way to fix such an issue?

You should be ok to up about 1000 remove buildings.
You will also need to use the group features quite a bit.

Unfortunately this is really the only way your limited with this function.

Thanks for the help, will make use of it.

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