Question about saving a playerid

Is there a way to save a player (for example killerid from "OnPlayerDeath") and use it in other callback (for example in "OnPlayerCommandText") without using sscanf?

//EDIT: fixed always too fast when writing stuff :P

you could do this:
pawn Код:
new someID;

//somewhere in OnPlayerDeath
someID = killerid;

//somewhere in OnPlayerCommandText
//do your thing with "someID" as killerid of OnPlayerDeath here
you could also trigger OnPlayerCommandText by doing
pawn Код:
//and then parse cmdtext of OnPlayerCommandText at the top for "_"
but i'd rather not suggest doing it like that.
decide 4 yourself

Thank you, but because you made an array variable, it must be indexed, so i think it would be ok without [MAX_PLAYERS] (global variable)...

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