Anyone want to teach me to script

Hi all!
I was wondering if a kind person experienced with scripting would help me learn to script (Specifically RP GM's) Because i believe i would stay dedicated and make a good quality server so if you're interested in teaching me my skype is at the end of this. And also I don't know a single thing about scripting

Skype: Ariana4Life__
*******: @__Ariana4Life__

Read some tutorials, learn it yourself, do not expect people to just script stuff for you, not that hard.

Go check out some tutorials, I'm teaching myself how to script. It's really not all that hard.

It is hard everyone says goto wiki but it's rubbish i can never get it

Meh add my Skype... then maybe if I feel like it. HOWEVER, tomorrow. Or the next day... it's 4:41AM ATM, and I'm planning on leaving ATM.

You should read the sa-mp wiki and test some stuff by yourself. If you have some inquire, you are free to post it here and someone will help you.

No one can actually teach you except for yourself!
I myself used to think I would never be able to script, but now I can script my server myself! Just by the help of wiki.samp and awesome tutorial in this forums! I learnt y_ini in 2 days only, believe me, it's not that hard!

I'll try all of the above
And Icecube i'll add you later it's 5am here too (UK)

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