FS Load but dosen't work ingame.

Hello, Well as the title says i got a Throwing knife script, i made it like weeks ago it used to work that time, Now when i run it as filterscript in Grandlarc, and i get a knife and LMB to throw, nothing happens. I tried some other filterscripts they also don't work, While i saw in Console they are loaded...
So anyone know what it could be? Thanks

Use debugging to see what works and what doesn't.

I would really doubt that you are using more than 16 filterscripts for your server :P , but check if thats the case cause samp limits the amount of filterscripts to 16, I actually dont know if it returns an error when you exceed that limit or it will simply exclude the extra filterscripts. In the case that this is not the issue(99% it is not lol), as Digital-Angle said, you can try Debugging, though b4 that, try to make ur filterscript as local as possible (i.e doesnt use remote functions). Then debug, first check if the filterscript recognises pressing "LMB", then check if the object gets created, etc.. some times weird things like the object being created and then destroyed instantly may happen for some reason :P, Good Luck

i have 2,3 filterscripts and i'll try Debugging thx

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