Houses system

Hello everyone.
I need nice and good houses system in OnPlayerCommandText language and make it gamemode, Not filterscripts..
If you want to create one for me, Create these commands and only for RCON, IsPlayerAdmin.
/createhouse (USAGE: /createhouse [PRICE])
/deletehouse (USAGE: /deletehouse [ID]
/adminsellhouse "Removes the house owner, (House for sell)".
/sellhouse (All players can use it to sell his houses) (USAGE) Go inside your house and type /sellhouse
/buyhouse (All players can use it to buy a house) (USAGE) Go into the house checkpoint that you want to buy then type /buyhouse

Thanks for reading & making.

Dude... No one will script a house system for you for free... You have to pay man...
P.S. This is not script request section

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