Firework system

Hello, I've created new firework system and when player types /fw a timer starts... Everything is below.
pawn Code:
    PutFW(playerid, 1) // stock is below
    return 1;

stock PutFW(playerid, fwid)
    if(fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][able] == 1)
        fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][able] = 0;
        new Float:fd[3];
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, fd[0],fd[1],fd[2]);
        SetTimerEx("FW",5000,false,"iiifff",playerid,fwid,0,fd[0],fd[1],fd[2]); // a timer starts for 5 seconds
        fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][obj_id] = CreateObject(1252,fd[0],fd[1],fd[2],0,0,0);
        SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " * You've put a dynamite!");
    return 1;

public FW(playerid, fwid,cnt,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z) // public FW function
    if(fwid == 1)
        if(cnt == 0) {
                        GetObjectPos(fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][obj_id],x,y,z); // here I want to change public's parameters x,y and z, but it's not changing.
                        DestroyObject(fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][obj_id]); }
        if(cnt == 0 || (cnt > 0 && cnt < 50)) {CreateExplosion(x,y,z,12,5.0); SetTimerEx("FW",200,false,"iiifff",playerid,fwid,cnt+1,x,y,z);}
        else if(cnt == 50)
            fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][able] = 1;
            fwInfo[playerid][fwid-1][obj_id] = -1;
    return 1;
So is there any ways to change the value of public parameters?


What do you exactly mean by changing the value of public functions?
You can make an optional parameter by designing a default value to a certain parameter.

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