Want help programming mode you enter Derby good programmers from you please

Hello everyone I'm currently interested in building Maude Maude mean Derby begins with 32 players (cars) and then when he gets someone won money Ndomli all time And that's what it appears chat Player "lambda" won this Round and received 180
Pickups have a floating text earning nitro car repair (the actor was drunk and the camera will move him) and he could when he was disqualified to look at those who still live and click of the mouse to switch between people Best of all, in this most Hsovbb
Round every time over !! The map is automatically changed and whoever falls into the sea, or out of the car and something Nifsl I want to be on the side of the loser table in the order and the time it was rejected in D. I know I'm asking too much
But you programmers are rare and I would like to please help me to build such a mode I'm not a great programmer + I am just starting so I do not understand the language as I know a bit mor

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