29.07.2014, 19:18
Im trying to create a settings.txt file which would load settings for example new player spawn with dini.
On gamemode init im using code
newbiePOS[0] = dini_Int("settings.txt","spawnX");
How should I fix that, this code doesnt retrieve my coordinates from txt file. Here's a full example.
How should I get my configurations' from file?
On gamemode init im using code
newbiePOS[0] = dini_Int("settings.txt","spawnX");
How should I fix that, this code doesnt retrieve my coordinates from txt file. Here's a full example.
new Float:zaidejoSPAWN[3]; public OnGameModeInit() { SetGameModeText("mysqlGM"); mysql_debug( true ); mysql_connect( MySQL_HOST,MySQL_USER,MySQL_DATA,MySQL_PASS ); if( mysql_ping( ) >= 1 ) print( "\n" ); else { print("Prisijungimas prie MySQL DB ( "MySQL_DATA" ) nepavyko !"); } zaidejoSPAWN[0] = dini_Int("nustatymai.txt","spawnX"); return 1; }