RemoveBuildingForPlayer problem please help me guys!

Hi guys! I Removed 2 buildings in MTA and when i go more closer to them they appear , and how can i fix this?
That are my codes:
pawn Код:
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4018, 1791.7969, -1716.9844, 12.52344, 0.25); // building new spawn
    RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4027, 1783.1016, -1702.3047, 14.35156, 0.25); // object new spawn
Here it's from distance , doesen't appear
And here is when i come more closer, the removed building re-appears.

You must remove it's LOD model as well, for that 'newbuildsm02' its model id 4075.

I can't understand , can you explain me?
I have 2 removed objects , and you gived me the code for 1.
And how can i get code for more?

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