Dialogs aren't responding [WTF!]

So, This is my /housemenu dialog.
pawn Код:
    new var = GetPVarInt(playerid,"AdminLevel");
    if(pInfo[playerid][InHouseID] == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"» You must be in an house in order to be able to use this command!");
    if(strcmp(GetName(playerid),HouseInfo[pInfo[playerid][InHouseID]][hOwner]) != 0 && var <= 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"» You do not own this house!");
    if(strcmp(GetName(playerid),HouseInfo[pInfo[playerid][InHouseID]][hOwner]) != 0 && var >= 4)
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"» Access authorized. You're viewing the menu as an administrator!");
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,HouseMenuDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Personal House Menu","Lock House\nUnlock House\nChange House Interior\nHouse Storage\nSell House\n","Select","Cancel");
    return 1;
When ever I click on a listitem, it doesn't respond. It just closes the dialog.
P.S. : I didn't use return 1 or return 0 for any dialogs. "Used 'return 1;' only at the end of the public.
This is making me mad.

What do you have under OnDialogResponse?

do you have any other scripts that also use dialogs ? they might interfear with it then.

I just came to know something.
I had a cops and robbers mingame filterscript loaded. (THEY EVEN DON'T HAVE SAME DIALOG IDS)
When I unloaded the cnr minigame fs, the dialogs worked perfectly.
When I loaded the cnr minigame fs, the dialogs didn't work.
Anyways, The problem is fixed already.

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