My upcoming Fs Thought ... ?

Ok i am thinking to a FS Which i will make That Will be like A Notification Bar For Each Player Like Notification that we get in android I have never Seen Anything Like this before so i am making it Though I need Suggestions For it I have Currently These Plans In Mind Plz Tell ME More Suggestion :-
It Will be made of Clickable Textdraws [Of Course It should look realistic ... ]
It would show notifications And If we get notifications then The Textdraw will change or some thing like that ...
It Will Show Pm's If Possible ...

And More Plz Give Your Suggest ... Thanks All

Anyone ?

1) Why are you so impatient? It's been 30 minutes.
2) Do you really need more ideas? It sounds pretty good so why don't you try and make it and see what happens?

Ok ill try my best Sorry to have no patience ... LoL And i just want suggestion Or Ideas If you all have any Working on it

I got up to a idea But i need A Fuction Like UpdateTextdraw How to make it ?? Like For example Take OnPlayerDeath to increas The killerid's kills [pinfo][pid][Kills] ++ So how to update all textdraws ??

Please could you stop capitalising random letters and also could you stop bumping?!!?

You can easily ****** your question, by the way.

Whatever you thought is a good idea. I don't think so you need more suggestions. Just make them ready. And wait for getting REP from us

Exactly as above, also please don't bump, it's a great idea and I don't think it needs more things.

PLEASE use the edit button instead of double posting all the time.
My suggestion: Dont do this as filterscript, but as include. Filterscripts arent always the best choice. As this should show notifications, it would be way more handy to add notifications from the gamemode script without using CallRemoteFunction. Else this would be very limited, and barely useful for any server.

If you have no idea how to finish or end a script, or don't know how to trick a function, then don't start it. You will basically end up making it buggy or being late as other players might have created it before you ended it. And for that update textdraw, why is TextDrawSetString made for? You could just change it's string when you recieve a PM.

More of all, I had already been working on something like this, and I will moreover upload a video or screenshot of it as soon as I have time. But still you can make better than mine, who knows?

Good luck!

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