29.06.2014, 19:03
So what I want is to select 6 players each map only if there are 20 players online, so, the less players are online should select less players. Any ideas how to do that? I really need this urgently!
#define Loop(%0,%1) \
for(new d=0,%1=%0[0]; %0[d] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID; d++,%1=%0[d])
SelectRandomPlayers(dest[], how_many_players = 6, s_size = sizeof(dest))
new ids[MAX_PLAYERS], count = 0;
for(new i = GetMaxPlayers() - 1; i != -1; i--)
ids[count++] = i;
if(how_many_players > s_size)
how_many_players = s_size;
if(count < how_many_players)
how_many_players = count;
while(how_many_players > 0)
new rand = random(count);
if(ids[rand] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
dest[--how_many_players] = ids[rand];
ids[rand] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
new Players[10] = {INVALID_PLAYER_ID, ...}; // we want random 10 players but we must set array to INVALID_PLAYER_ID before start
SelectRandomPlayers(Players, sizeof(Players)); // sizeof(Players) means 10 slots in array Players[]
printf("Connected_ID: %d",i);