Problem script

Hello everyone, I state that I am new in the world of SA-MP script, and Scripting'm learning to the GM RP, however, are not at all good. I would like a guide on how to create a system DETAILED HQ to create gang, but must be in this way. An admin sets the point HQ and, subsequently, the player buys it and, later, will have to enter name, rank and gang colors.

In addition, I would like to know how to create a string over the head of player that, when it comes into service admin, above the name of the player shows "• Staffer •", always in detail.

P.S: I'm Italian and I use a translator, sorry for the poor english.

Wrong section, please post in the "Request Thread". (No idea where it is now)

Originally Posted by zT KiNgKoNg
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Wrong section, please post in the "Request Thread". (No idea where it is now)
I do not know where is this section.

UP! Help me!

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