Error 029 and 028

i download mbscript by HiC The Killer

but when am remove some location and im add itself.
and i use /rs for X,Y,Z

when am Recompile its error

D:\asaad\[NBTDM]0.3cR5\Eclipse\filterscripts\mbscript.pwn(35) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\asaad\[NBTDM]0.3cR5\Eclipse\filterscripts\mbscript.pwn(35) : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

#include <a_samp>

enum mbinfo

new Float:MBSPAWN[][mbinfo] =
  // Positions, (X, Y, Z, Location)
    {-1493.1602, -686.0150,  14.1484, "San Fierro Airport (3)"},
    {-1095.2418, -191.8580, 14.1440, "San Fierro Airport (2)"},
    {-1405.7872, 11.5668, -5.6792, "San Fierro Airport (1)"},
    {2133.4995,  -2357.4624, 13.5469, "Los Santos Airport (1)"},
    {1885.7815,  -2548.0085, 13.5469, "Los Santos Airport (2)"},
    {2085.9565,  -2293.1602, 13.5469, "Los Santos Airport (3)"},
    {2536.9788,  -1687.6777, 14.4275, "Grove Street (1)"},
    {2494.6658,  -1714.5287, 18.5821, "Grove Street (3)"},
    {2467.5330,  -1633.3893, 13.4054, "Grove Street (2)"},
    {2446.2903,  -1703.6882, 13.5314, "Grove Street (4)"},
    {1907.6730,  -1777.8105, 13.5469, "IdleWood"},
    {1597.0884,  -1636.5763, 13.7188, "Los Santos Police Departement"},
    {-9.8705, 	 2333.3569,  24.1406, "Abandoned Airport (1)"},
    {127.7602,   2405.6606,  16.4766, "Abandoned Airport (2)"},
    {-2314.8655, 2424.0210,  6.5464, "Bayside (1)"},
    {-2343.1992, 2388.1794,  5.9436, "Bayside (2)"},
    {1737.9603,  -1097.5459, 24.0781, "MulhHolland InterSection(LS)"},
    {-2538.7866, -691.5772,  139.3203, "Missionary Hill (1)"},
    {-2542.7952, -602.1834,  132.5224, "Missionary Hill (2)"},
    {-2788.4919, -231.9156,  7.1348, "Avispa Country Club (1)"},
    {-2767.0569, -419.8552,  7.1894, "Avispa Country Club (2)"},

new Float:MoneyBagPos[3], MoneyBagFound=1, MoneyBagLocation[50], MoneyBagPickup, Timer[2];

//Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds
#define MoneyBagDelay(%1,%2,%3,%4) (%1*3600000)+(%2*60000)+(%3*1000)+%4
//20 = 200,000 minimum 30 = 200,000 -> 500,000
#define MoneyBagCash ((random(30)+20)*10000)
//10 mins!
#define MB_DELAY MoneyBagDelay(0, 10, 0, 0)

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	Timer[1] = SetTimer("MoneyBag", MB_DELAY, true);
	return 1;

forward MoneyBag();
public MoneyBag()
    new string[175];
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "**The {33FF66} Money bag {FFFFFF}has {FF0000} not {FFFFFF} been found, it is still hidden in {FFFF66} %s", MoneyBagLocation);
		SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
	else if(MoneyBagFound)
	    MoneyBagFound = 0;
	    new randombag = random(sizeof(MBSPAWN));
	    MoneyBagPos[0] = MBSPAWN[randombag][XPOS];
	    MoneyBagPos[1] = MBSPAWN[randombag][YPOS];
	    MoneyBagPos[2] = MBSPAWN[randombag][ZPOS];
	    format(MoneyBagLocation, sizeof(MoneyBagLocation), "%s", MBSPAWN[randombag][Position]);
		format(string, sizeof(string), "**wdMoney Bag has been {FF0000} Started in {90EE90} %s!", MoneyBagLocation);
        SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
		MoneyBagPickup = CreatePickup(1550, 2, MoneyBagPos[0], MoneyBagPos[1], MoneyBagPos[2], -1);
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
		if(!strcmp("/gotomb", cmdtext, true))
		    SetPlayerPos(playerid, MoneyBagPos[0], MoneyBagPos[1] +3, MoneyBagPos[2]);
		    return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have been {FF0000}teleported {FFFFFF}to the {33FF66}money bag");
		if(!strcmp("/startmb", cmdtext, true)) return MoneyBag();
		if(!strcmp("/togglemb", cmdtext, true))
			if(Timer[0] == 0)
				Timer[0] = 1;
				SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Money bag turned {FF0000} off!");
				return 1;
			if(Timer[0] == 1)
			    Timer[1] = SetTimer("MoneyBag", MB_DELAY, true);
			    Timer[0] = 0;
			    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Money bag turned {33FF66} on!");
			    return 1;
		    return 1;
	if(!strcmp("/moneybag", cmdtext, true))
	    new string[150];
		if(!MoneyBagFound) format(string, sizeof(string), "**The {33FF66}Money Bag has been {FF0000}hidden in {FFFF66}%s!", MoneyBagLocation);
		if(MoneyBagFound) format(string, sizeof(string), "**The {33FF66}Money Bag is {FF0000} not running!");
		return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
	return 0;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	if(pickupid == MoneyBagPickup)
		new string[180], pname[24], money = MoneyBagCash;
		GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
		format(string, sizeof(string), "** {99FFFF}%s{FFFFFF} has found the {33FF66}money bag{FFFFFF} that had {33FF00}$%d {FFFFFF}inside, located in %s", pname, money, MoneyBagLocation);
		MoneyBagFound = 1;
		SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have found the {33FF66} Money Bag!");
		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, money);
		ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", 4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	return 1;

Which lines are the errors?

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