Problem with GangZones

Hi, this problem happened to me before in other GMs, and it only happens when i make many gangzones in a server.
When im near a zone, sometimes when i change the facing angle of my player (move the camera using the mouse) , in some places the whole minmap becomes coloured with that zones color, like this example:

Angle 1 :

Angle 2 :

How to fix it please?

SOLVED: xmin/ymin should always be smaller than xmax/ymax

Bump, almost reached the 3rd page..
Is this a samp bug? ******?

show the code ? We cant quess without knowing you code

Everything is okey with the code and im 1000% sure, why? because it didnt happen only with this gm but in other gms too, second, all the zones are working fine and showing on the map, no wrong coordinates or something

This happens when minx/miny is higher than maxx/maxy - give here code of creating this zone.

You are right, there is something wrong with those

pawn Код:
GangZoneCreate(-1237.963, 1832.028, -1167.963, 1790.028);
GangZoneCreate(-1507.938, 1879.632, -1427.672, 1831.366);
GangZoneCreate(-1391.073, 2081.043, -1335.073, 2039.043);
GangZoneCreate(-1961.164, 2407.425, -1877.164, 2309.425);
GangZoneCreate(-1623.640, 2704.708, -1382.640, 2501.708);
GangZoneCreate(2141.248, 199.754, 2560.920, -148.245 );
GangZoneCreate(1885.634, 245.684, 2011.634, 133.684 );
GangZoneCreate(-1475.364, 1521.389, -1335.364, 1465.389 );
but they all show correctly on the map ...

They show correctly, but little bugged as you know and that code is wrong, because miny is higher than maxy

GangZoneCreate(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
GangZoneCreate(-1237.963, 1832.028, -1167.963, 1790.028); //this is wrong, second float (1832.028) is higher than last one (1790.028), it should be opposite
You have to change values miny with maxy for 100% working zones.

I didn't know about this before! thanks, solved!

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