20.05.2014, 01:40
Bom galera, meu gamemode й pelo mysql, jб tenho todas as database e tudo, aluguei um vps e talz, instalei o Wampserver e deixei ele on, tudo certo, porйm o servidor nгo vai pro ar, nгo consigo achar o erro...
Eu modifiquei essa linha:
Deixando-a assim:
Mas sempre quando abro o samp_server pra colocar ele no ar, nгo consegue conexгo com o mysql, phpmyadmin e talz... Alguйm sabe como eu posso arrumar?
Eu modifiquei essa linha:
stock connectToMysql() { if(server_enviroment == ENVIROMENT_DEV) { mysql_connect("localhost","root","serverrp",""); if(mysql_ping() == -1) { print("Unable to connect to MySQL server... Quitting"); SendRconCommand("exit"); } else { print("Connected to MySQL server"); } print("Server Enviroment: DEV"); } else if (server_enviroment == ENVIROMENT_LIVE) { mysql_connect("localhost","root","serverrp",""); if(mysql_ping() == -1) { print("Unable to connect to MySQL server... Quitting"); SendRconCommand("exit"); } else { print("Connected to MySQL server"); } print("Server Enviroment: LIVE"); } else { print("Unknown server enviroment, quitting."); SendRconCommand("exit"); }
stock connectToMysql() { if(server_enviroment == ENVIROMENT_DEV) { mysql_connect("dbmy0025.whservidor.com","clickincon_4","clickincon_4","banco1"); if(mysql_ping() == -1) { print("Unable to connect to MySQL server... Quitting"); SendRconCommand("exit"); } else { print("Connected to MySQL server"); } print("Server Enviroment: DEV"); } else if (server_enviroment == ENVIROMENT_LIVE) { mysql_connect("bmy0025.whservidor.com","clickincon_4","clickincon_4","banco1"); if(mysql_ping() == -1) { print("Unable to connect to MySQL server... Quitting"); SendRconCommand("exit"); } else { print("Connected to MySQL server"); } print("Server Enviroment: LIVE"); } else { print("Unknown server enviroment, quitting."); SendRconCommand("exit");