Small Help here..

The Error is

PHP код:
J:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\pawno\include\ : warning 219local variable "name" shadows a variable at a preceding level
:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\Fort Carison (Sa-Mp )\gamemodes\thefort.pwn(896) : error 012invalid function callnot a valid address
:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\Fort Carison (Sa-Mp )\gamemodes\thefort.pwn(896) : warning 215expression has no effect
:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\Fort Carison (Sa-Mp )\gamemodes\thefort.pwn(896) : error 001expected token";"but found ")"
J:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\Fort Carison (Sa-Mp )\gamemodes\thefort.pwn(896) : error 029invalid expressionassumed zero
:\Ultimate Kerala Gaming!!\Fort Carison (Sa-Mp )\gamemodes\thefort.pwn(896) : fatal error 107too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted
.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright (c1997-2006ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors

The Code Is

pawn Код:
if(Spree[killerid] == 5)//Checking for 5 kills
        format(zstring, sizeof(zstring), "%s is on a killing spree of %d kills. Junior Killer!", Name(killerid), Spree[killerid]);
        SendClientMessageToAll(blue, zstring);
        SendClientMessage(killerid, green, "You are on a killing spree of 5 kills. +4 score");
        SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+4);
    else if(Spree[killerid] == 10)//For 10 kills
        format(zstring, sizeof(zstring), "%s is on a killing spree of %d kills. Senior Killer!", Name(killerid), Spree[killerid]);
        SendClientMessageToAll(blue, zstring);
        SendClientMessage(killerid, green, "You are on a killing spree of 10 kills. +8 score");
        SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+8);
    else if(Spree[killerid] == 15)//30 kills
        format(zstring, sizeof(zstring), "%s is on a killing spree of %d kills. Master Killer!", Name(killerid), Spree[killerid]);
        SendClientMessageToAll(blue, zstring);
        SendClientMessage(killerid, green, "You are on a killing spree of 15 kills. +12 score");
        SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+12);

I think you are using 2 stocks of name. So by adding the second one to something like name2. or show your stock for name

here it is

Originally Posted by forgottenkings
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here it is
Can you show the (stock for name)

Do search for it doing ctrl+f then type stock name

Can you please show the line for 896

EDIT: Okay no problem.

Changed The Stock name

Anyway Tnx its Fixed

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