Commands aren't working


I have three filterscripts running on my server, objects.amx, to load the mapping, removedobjects.amx, to remove buildings, and gates.amx, to load the gate system.

I use y_commands, and I upgraded YSI to 3.1 for 0.3z RC5.

My problem occurs when I have my standard scripts running and gates.amx running. The commands in gates.amx are working, but my other commands in the standard script aren't. For example:

When I type /gate, it works. It's included in gates.amx.
When I type /help, it doesn't work and it doesn't even return a "unknown command" message. It's just empty.
When I type a command which doesn't exist, it'll return the "unknown command" message.

I don't know what I have to do right here, I already downgraded to an older version, but that didn't work at all. I didn't change anything before I upgraded the script to YSI 3.1 for 0.3z RC5.

Anyone else having problems with this?

Thanks for reading.


i can't understand, what do you mean?

do you mean to change the "Unknown Command" message?

Originally Posted by BlackBomb
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i can't understand, what do you mean?

do you mean to change the "Unknown Command" message?
No, I already did that.

I'll explain it very quickly. I have this filterscript called "gates" running, yeah. In that script I use the command /gate. When I load the gates system, all other commands like /stats, /help, /aduty and such don't work. It doesn't return the standard "SERVER: Unknown command" message, it doesn't show a message. When I start my server without the gates filterscript, all commands work.

I use y_commands and recompiled all scripts many times.

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