Server Crash each 5 Hours

[14:00:44] [debug] Server crashed while executing zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:00:44] [debug] #0 native SendRconCommand () [080da5f0] from samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #1 00041668 in ?? (0x0021d65c) from zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] #2 00040394 in ?? (0x00000010, 0x00295000, 0x00294df8) from zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] #3 0001c900 in ?? (0x002955dc, 0x0028df08, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000010, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x002916fc) from zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] #4 00041370 in ?? (0x00000010) from zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] #5 0001ffcc in public EndMap () from zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] Native backtrace:
[14:00:44] [debug] #0 f73b009b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #1 f73ab2d2 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #2 f73abebc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #3 f73ac366 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #4 f73afcec in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #5 ffffe410 in ?? ()
[14:00:44] [debug] #6 ffffe430 in ?? ()
[14:00:44] [debug] #7 f74a3a21 in gsignal () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #8 f74a6e42 in abort () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #9 f76c152f in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #10 f76bf465 in ?? () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #11 f76bf4a2 in ?? () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #12 f76bf5e1 in ?? () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #13 f76bfc5f in _Znwj () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #14 f73ea226 in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #15 f73ea141 in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #16 f7441ccd in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #17 f740f69a in AmxLoad () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #18 080cec99 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #19 0809ff01 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #20 0809df8d in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #21 0809e927 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #22 080da68a in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #23 08093d84 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #24 f73a8b9c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #25 f73aed38 in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #26 f73b51f8 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #27 f73ab218 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #28 f73aeaa9 in ?? () from plugins/
[14:00:44] [debug] #29 080e57a5 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #30 080acedb in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #31 080a81ae in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
[14:00:44] [debug] #32 f748fc76 in __libc_start_main () from /lib32/
[14:00:44] [debug] #33 0804b4a1 in ?? () from ../bin/samp03svr
i Can't KEEP My Server Online Whyy

Problem in your zma.amx
[14:00:44] [debug] Server crashed while executing zma.amx

delete the old ZMA and download a new one
i think thats the problem

Reinstall ZMA.amx

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