Question about VPS + anti-DDoS protection

If I were to rent a VPS and I wanted to use it for;

- SA:MP server with a pretty big script, of which at least 150 players should be able to play on the same moment
- TeamSpeak 3 server with at least 60 users online at the same moment
- Either PhpBB or vBulletin licensed forum with more than 70 people online at the same moment

What specifications would I need for my VPS? I'm thinking of a VPS with these specs;

- 2 GB Ram, 20GB HDD space, 4TB bandwith and a two-cored processor with unknown speed

Would this VPS be sufficient for the things I need listed above?

The website where I saw this offer seems to be a good one if I may believe the opinions of others that I found on the internet. The VPS comes with 500 GB/s DDoS protection and if I'd pay an additional fee also a firewall of which they claim will "fight" DDoS.

Would such anti-DDoS measures be sufficient against at least smaller scaled attacks?

I would go with NFOServers.
Also yes those specs will work fine.

Get from OVH.

What's your budget? OVH have just come out with some cheapish VPS's, and their anti ddos system is very good. $8 a month for those specs plus an extra 5gb disk.

At this stage I am not quite near to having to rent a server since I'm still preparing everything so I do have the time to save up even more money.

My budget would be around 40$ per month to start with. It can get to 70$ if the improvement in quality is worth the extra bucks.

I have set up a community with some smaller VPS's in seperate datacenters with the same host.

The layout was as follows:
- Main (Windows 2k13 server): SAMP main, TeamSpeak main, backup features for web+database, VPN
- Web (Ubuntu server): Forum, VPN and other webservices
- Database (Ubuntu server): mySQL for both Main and Web, VPN
- Backup (Ubuntu server): Archives of files, sourcecode, logs and databases, VPN

The Main and Web were powerful in RAM, processing speed and network speed, the Database and Backup servers were slower but with larger disk space. I made daily offline/offsite backups of the Backup server via imaging software.

In total, i would need about $50 a month for this setup.

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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What's your budget? OVH have just come out with some cheapish VPS's, and their anti ddos system is very good. $8 a month for those specs plus an extra 5gb disk.
From the looks of it you need some Access code to get one from OVH since they are just testing them. Was exited for a bit there until they asked for a code that i don't have :/

Originally Posted by Sithis
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I have set up a community with some smaller VPS's in seperate datacenters with the same host.

The layout was as follows:
- Main (Windows 2k13 server): SAMP main, TeamSpeak main, backup features for web+database, VPN
- Web (Ubuntu server): Forum, VPN and other webservices
- Database (Ubuntu server): mySQL for both Main and Web, VPN
- Backup (Ubuntu server): Archives of files, sourcecode, logs and databases, VPN

The Main and Web were powerful in RAM, processing speed and network speed, the Database and Backup servers were slower but with larger disk space. I made daily offline/offsite backups of the Backup server via imaging software.

In total, i would need about $50 a month for this setup.
Is it DDoS protected?

If you're looking for a server to host your community, I'd recommend getting a dedicated server, it's not always an easy search for finding a cheap DDoS protected node that serves out VPSes. (A good firewall protected server)

NFOservers > OVH..
NFOservers provides better protection against DDoS attacks, I'm speaking from experience here. I've had 20Gbps attacks at my server and OVH null routed the IP that was being attacked. Of course, NFOservers does the same but their firewalls are a lot better and they also have faster response times to migrating the attacks that go to the servers.

Although there is one thing between both, which is performance... Dedicated Servers are MUCH better in performance than VPS's... this is dedicated hardware and is not xen virtualization or openvz etc.. you will notice a difference in performance if you compare between a VPS and a dedicated server..

Just saying though, nfoservers is a lot better

Id say OVH i have one of there VPS servers and i haven't had one problem with them

Originally Posted by Infinitas
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Id say OVH i have one of there VPS servers and i haven't had one problem with them
For how much? Whats the price?

Originally Posted by Neonman
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Get from OVH.

Originally Posted by Samp_India
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Can you help me changing that VPS to a Gameserver (SA-MP server)?

Originally Posted by Arastair
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Can you help me changing that VPS to a Gameserver (SA-MP server)?
Yea,Sure.Just PM me.

Check, They can help you on selecting best package for your needs

Take a pro gameserver at Dzeasyweb or Vortexservers.

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