Can repeat job at payday, checkpoint bug

Hello to all
How can I make this happen:
if you have already done the job can not redo until you get the payday (I have already the script of the payday and the job)
My second problem is that I created a job where you must follow checkpoints. After the first checkpoint coordinates are placed in an area that I did not put myself and I can not continue the job.
(here code)
 if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5.0, 21.2977,914.4423,24.4594))
                SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 5.0, -52.7469,948.4641,19.6105);
			else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5.0, -52.7469,948.4641,19.6105))
Sorry for my bad english

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