[DUDA] Se reinicia mi servidor

Bueno veran esto es muy extraсo mi servidor se reinicia si Hacer nada
el log no sale nada solo Server Shutting Down E revisado Pugins
y estan bien , ayuda D:

Ultimas Lineas Del Log

[09:17:07] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: :3 toy ancioso
[09:17:08] [kill] Ingrid killed Axel Sawn-off Shotgun
[09:17:08] [kill] ]urZ[styleR_ killed Cristhian_Monreal Sniper Rifle
[09:17:13] [chat] [Matrix_Revoltijos]: jajaja
[09:17:13] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: 5
[09:17:14] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: 4
[09:17:15] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: 3
[09:17:17] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: 2
[09:17:18] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: 1
[09:17:18] {c9fd8e}[MF]RapperAngelDJ ha sido kickeado, Motivo: Spam|Flood 
[09:17:18] [part] [MF]RapperAngelDJ has left the server (33:2)
[09:17:19] [chat] [ClevelandK]: .-.
[09:17:22] [chat] [ClevelandK]: ...
[09:17:25] [part] Thomas_Andreas has left the server (2:0)
[09:17:32] [death] Daniel died 54
[09:17:34] Incoming connection:
[09:17:34] [part] karen has left the server (32:1)
[09:17:34] [join] Thomas_Andreas has joined the server (2:
[09:17:35] [chat] [Matrix_Revoltijos]: que edad tienes?
[09:17:41] [chat] [Ingrid]: 11
[09:17:45] [kill] ]urZ[styleR_ killed Cristhian_Monreal Sniper Rifle
[09:17:45] [kill] (cod)fraklin_DX@4851 killed kD.AguxZ_ 
[09:17:47] --- Server Shutting Down.
[09:17:47] [FS]Sistema desactivado.
[09:17:47] [part] B_lack has left the server (0:0)
[09:17:47] [part] geiner45 has left the server (1:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Thomas_Andreas has left the server (2:0)
[09:17:47] [part] DulceDeLechE has left the server (3:0)
[09:17:47] [part] [grove]xodyjefe] has left the server (4:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Red_Games has left the server (5:0)
[09:17:47] [part] lalakra has left the server (6:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Cristhian_Monreal has left the server (7:0)
[09:17:47] [part] ClevelandK has left the server (8:0)
[09:17:47] [part] kD.AguxZ_ has left the server (9:0)
[09:17:47] [part] (cod)fraklin_DX@4851 has left the server (10:0)
[09:17:47] [part] renan_1459 has left the server (11:0)
[09:17:47] [part] ramiro290 has left the server (12:0)
[09:17:47] [part] x_camii_X has left the server (13:0)
[09:17:47] [part] TomyClup has left the server (14:0)
[09:17:47] [part] [Nem]FranKito]NX] has left the server (15:0)
[09:17:47] [part] CristianDavid has left the server (16:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Carlone_Johnson has left the server (17:0)
[09:17:47] [part] benarro.123 has left the server (18:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Lisa98 has left the server (19:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Axel has left the server (20:0)
[09:17:47] [part] OMARELDJMAXIMO has left the server (21:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Ingrid has left the server (22:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Mariina has left the server (23:0)
[09:17:47] [part] xlBurakxl has left the server (24:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Daniel  has left the server (25:0)
[09:17:47] [part] dima_vip has left the server (26:0)
[09:17:47] [part] JOHN_CENA has left the server (27:0)
[09:17:47] [part] ]urZ[styleR_ has left the server (28:0)
[09:17:47] [part] casimiro_perono has left the server (29:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Vonix72 has left the server (30:0)
[09:17:47] [part] Matrix_Revoltijos has left the server (31:0)
[09:17:47] [part] macedonian has left the server (34:0)

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito unloaded ***


[09:17:47]  ===============================

[09:17:47]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[09:17:47]  ===============================

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[09:18:04] Server Plugins
[09:18:04] --------------
[09:18:04]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:18:04]   Loaded.
[09:18:04]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[09:18:04]  ===============================

[09:18:04]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[09:18:04]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[09:18:04]  ===============================

[09:18:04]   Loaded.
[09:18:04]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[09:18:04] Ban list
[09:18:04] --------
[09:18:04]  Loaded: samp.ban
[09:18:04] Filterscripts
[09:18:04] ---------------
[09:18:04]   Loading filterscript 'Administracion.amx'...
[09:18:04]   Loading filterscript 'seguridad.amx'...
[09:18:04] [FS]Sistema activado.
[09:18:04]   Loading filterscript 'antiddos.amx'...
[09:18:04]   Loaded 3 filterscripts.

[09:18:04] Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex
[09:18:04]  Leer comandos:     [Desactivado]  Anti flood:          [Desactivado]
[09:18:04]  Clat General:      [Activado!]  Palabras prohibidas:  [Activado!]
[09:18:04]  Anti Spam:         [Activado!]  Mensajes Admin:       [Activado!]
[09:18:04]  Mensaje Conexion:  [Activado!]  Leer Pm's:            [Desactivado]
[09:18:04]  Nivel Maximo:      [0]  Silenciar limite:        [0]

 Sistema Administrativo Cargado! Exitosamente.
[09:18:04]  95 Palabras Prohibias [SPAM]

[09:18:04]           |-----------------------------------------|
[09:18:04]           |                Nota:                                  |
[09:18:04]           |    Tienes permisos de modificar este         |
[09:18:04]           |     Gamemode como tu desees, Excepto    |
[09:18:04]           |    Borrar/Modificar estos Creditos.            |
[09:18:04]           |-----------------------------------------|
[09:18:04]           |  Creador  : Daniel Samp                         |
[09:18:04]           |                                                         |
[09:18:04]           |                                                         |
[09:18:04]           |  Pag. Web : Diversion-latina.Net        |
[09:18:04]           |                                         |
[09:18:04]           |  Mapper   : Nadie (Vacio)               |
[09:18:04]           |                                         |
[09:18:04]           |  Fecha CR : 08-01-2014                  |
[09:18:04]           |                                         |
[09:18:04]           |-----------------------------------------|

[09:18:04] Number of vehicle models: 47
[09:18:04] Incoming connection:
[09:18:05] Incoming connection:
[09:18:05] [join] [MF]RapperAngelDJ has joined the server (0:
[09:18:05] [join] .i.m@rlon.i. has joined the server (1:
[09:18:23] Incoming connection:
[09:18:24] Incoming connection:
[09:18:24] [join] Matrix_Revoltijos has joined the server (2:
[09:18:25] [join] karen has joined the server (3:
[09:18:28] Incoming connection:
[09:18:28] [join] ClevelandK has joined the server (4:
[09:18:30] Incoming connection:
[09:18:31] [join] [Nem]FranKito]NX] has joined the server (5:
[09:18:31] Incoming connection:
[09:18:32] [join] kD.AguxZ_ has joined the server (6:
[09:18:37] Incoming connection:
[09:18:37] Incoming connection:
[09:18:37] [join] DulceDeLechE has joined the server (7:
[09:18:40] [join] TomyClup has joined the server (8:
[09:18:40] Incoming connection:
[09:18:40] Incoming connection:
[09:18:41] [join] Vonix72 has joined the server (9:
[09:18:41] [join] Carlone_Johnson has joined the server (10:
[09:18:43] [Login]: DulceDeLechE Ah insertado una contraseсa incorrecta (jonyPlaza) intentos: (1)
[09:18:45] [Login]: [Nem]FranKito]NX] Ah insertado una contraseсa incorrecta (tomyeltrro26) intentos: (1)
[09:18:45] [chat] [kD.AguxZ_]: #Reincio?
[09:18:47] Incoming connection:
[09:18:48] Incoming connection:
[09:18:48] [join] PromaximunHD has joined the server (11:
[09:18:48] [join] JT_HaNkS_JT has joined the server (12:
[09:18:56] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: agux
[09:18:59] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: que pasoo
[09:18:59] [chat] [kD.AguxZ_]: ?
[09:19:00] Incoming connection:
[09:19:00] Incoming connection:
[09:19:01] [join] B_lack has joined the server (13:
[09:19:01] [join] Ingrid has joined the server (14:
[09:19:03] [chat] [DulceDeLechE]: que eslo que avi pasado
[09:19:06] Incoming connection:
[09:19:07] [chat] [[MF]RapperAngelDJ]: hay poca gente
[09:19:09] [join] lalakra has joined the server (15:
[09:19:10] [chat] [kD.AguxZ_]: Creo que dann reinicio el sv
[09:19:13] Incoming connection:
[09:19:14] [join] ]urZ[styleR_ has joined the server (16:
[09:19:16] [kill] DulceDeLechE killed Vonix72 Sawn-off Shotgun
[09:19:17] [chat] [[Nem]FranKito]NX]]: se reinicio
[09:19:18] [Login]: ]urZ[styleR_ Ah insertado una contraseсa incorrecta (ALDO) intentos: (1)
[09:19:19] [chat] [Carlone_Johnson]: YO QUE ISE PARA QUE ME KIKEARAN!!

Un amigo le paso lo mismo, y cambio de version y no le paso mas, es bien raro

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