18.02.2014, 19:41
Hello all.I have a problem.
I want: I want choose a race from the race's dialog and start it, i wrote this in a filterscript but when i choose a race and the race is start but with other coordinates and not what i choosen.
(sorry for bad english)
the script:
I want: I want choose a race from the race's dialog and start it, i wrote this in a filterscript but when i choose a race and the race is start but with other coordinates and not what i choosen.
(sorry for bad english)
the script:
#define FILTERSCRIPT #include <a_samp> #define DIALOG_RACES 1024 enum Racesi { Starti[64], Endl[64], Float:startx, Float:starty, Float:startz, Float:endx, Float:endy, Float:endz } new Races[][Racesi] = { {"Verseny1 Start","Verseny1 Vйge", 4118.9805,-1304.5021,11.0081, 2524.2917,2819.3291,10.8203}, {"Verseny2 Start","Verseny2 Vйge", 4739.9312,-2368.0493,10.8731, 1066.2122,1241.1855,10.8275}, {"Verseny3 Start","Verseny3 Vйge", 2524.2917,2819.3291,10.8203, -576.1246,-545.7786,25.5234}, {"Verseny4 Start","Verseny4 Vйge", 1728.2246,977.7601,10.8203, 2338.1992,73.0833,26.4786}, {"Verseny5 Start","Verseny5 Vйge", 2728.2246,977.7601,10.8203, -309.1451,1194.3457,19.7422} }; public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/races")) { new bool:voltmar[128] = {false, ...}, string[1024], rand; for(new x; x < 3; x++) { start_: rand = random(sizeof(Races)); if(voltmar[rand] == true) goto start_; voltmar[rand] = true; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s%s - %s\n", string, Races[rand][Starti], Races[rand][Endl]); } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_RACES, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vбlassz a veresenyek kцzьl!", string, "Tovбbb", "Mйgse"); return 1; } return 0; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == DIALOG_RACES && response) { new line[256], id = -1; for(new x; x < sizeof(Races); x++) { format(line, sizeof(line), "%s - %s", Races[x][Starti], Races[x][Endl]); if(!strcmp(inputtext, line)) { id = x; break; } } if(id == -1) print("Error"); else { RaceIndit(playerid, Races[id][startx], Races[id][starty], Races[id][startz], Races[id][endx], Races[id][endy], Races[id][endz]); } } return 1; }