Why this fellow CMD's working slowly?

I use the zcmd compressor every other command is working fine and fast but this newer which i implent in my gamemode when i use some of them after 1-2 sec the SendClientMessage is comming, is that the problem because i use an SacuvajVikendicu(); to load the public of Saving the cordinates and rest of it.


So what's the problem?

Didn't saw any problem in it.
Might be your own problem, working fine for me.

Originally Posted by Avi Raj
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Didn't saw any problem in it.
Might be your own problem, working fine for me.
Working fine for you ? How they work fine for you really or you just saw the code and tell me they work fine because you cant put the code inside of your Script because there public/forwards of the command.
By the way i use zcmd compressor this cmd was YCMD i move only to CMD and there problems only in this fellow cmds who are from YCMD not working good. EDIT: The problem was in Save public function i fixed them

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