Server fall.

Hello! I have a problem with my server & dm.
i dont know how, someone enter to my server, and i dont know what he do (before register to my server & open an account) he take off the server.
I tried to block his IP, but he always back (newip),
There's some how, Way to block that? how he did it?


Disable your rcon system in server.cfg.
He might know your rcon password, login to rcon and use /rcon exit to shutdown your server.

Or at least print something to your server console under OnRconLoginAttempt to see if he really logs into rcon.

Rcon in server.cfg already disabled.
He didn't know my rcon password, but np, i'll try.
There's another option?

I've also seen a topic about inputting invalid characters into your register-dialog that might crash the server.

I don't know which characters are invalid, but you might wanna print the inputted text as well.

Especially if you use CallLocalFunction to pass that text to another function.
If the string is empty, that might cause a crash as well.

I dont using CallLocalFunction, and i've already blocked those invaild characters.
It's still isn't work.

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