Some problems..

I have debug problems like this
pawn Код:
[09:38:26] [debug]  Accessing element at negative index -1
[09:38:26] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[09:38:26] [debug] #0 000fd52c in public IsLaw (playerid=0) at C:\Users\Filip\Desktop\SERVER\no boombox\rp.pwn:20682
[09:38:26] [debug] #1 000a86f4 in public OPJV_OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=0, oldkeys=4) at C:\Users\Filip\Desktop\SERVER\no boombox\rp.pwn:11190
[09:38:26] [debug] #2 0000d454 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=0, oldkeys=4) at C:\Users\Filip\Desktop\SERVER\pawno\include\
in this public

pawn Код:
public IsLaw(playerid)

    //herenew slot = GetFactionSlot(CharacterInfo[playerid][active_character[playerid]][cFaction]);
    if(slot > -1)

        if(FactionInfo[slot][fType] == FAC_TYPE_LAW) { return true; } else { return false; }

    return false;


and here ..

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(IsPlayerConnectedEx(i) && i != playerid)
                new PlayerText3D:playertextid;
                new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
                GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z );
                playertextid = CreatePlayer3DTextLabel(playerid,"Hello\nI'm at your position",0x008080FF,X,Y,Z,40.0);
pawn Код:
C:\Users\Filip\Desktop\SERVER\no boombox\rp.pwn(9404) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "playertextid"

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