Factions (read)

So basically, there are alot of places in the script where the ranks and divisions are. I want to put a code on each to redirect to another line to get the information that script area needs.
case 1: rank = "rank";
case 2: rank = "rank";
case 1: rank = "rank";
case 3: rank = "rank";
case 4: rank = "rank";
case 5: rank = "rank";
case 6: rank = "rank";
case 7: rank = "rank";
case 8: rank = "rank";
case 9: rank = "rank";
I have 13 factions.. So I'll have them all on tbe top of the script and have them there so when I want to change the ranks, I won't have to go everywhere where it needs for the ranks Nd just place the changes there.

Posting from my phone, so if anyone needs codes from the commands, I can supply tomorrow.

Bump. Still pendin.

If you want to make it like this:

pawn Код:
stock GetRank(playerid)
    new faction = PlayerInfo[playerid][Faction], rank = PlayerInfo[playerid][Rank], str[25];
         case 0:
             if(rank == 1)str = "text";
             else if(rank == 2)str = "text";
    return str;
So on and so forth.

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