Error in LoadOrg stock

Lately, I have been creating a dynamic faction system which doesn't load the org. There are no errors in the script. Here is a debug code.

By the way, we can organizations/orgs instead of faction.

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT * FROM `orgs` WHERE `ID` = '1') - Successfully executed.

[10:22:31] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(X) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Y) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Z) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(INTERIOR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(NAME) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(COLOR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(LEADER) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN1) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN2) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN3) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON1) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON2) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON3) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:31] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[10:22:31] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(BANK) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[10:22:56] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
And this conflicts in the stock LoadOrgs

Here's the code.

pawn Код:
stock LoadOrgs()
    new id = 1;
    while(id < MAX_ORGS)
        format(Query,sizeof(Query),"SELECT * FROM `orgs` WHERE `ID` = '%d'",id);
            OrgInfo[id][oX] = floatstr(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oY] = floatstr(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oZ] = floatstr(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oInt] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oSkin][0] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oSkin][1] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oSkin][2] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oWeapon][0] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oWeapon][1] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oWeapon][2] = strval(data);
            OrgInfo[id][oBank] = strval(data);
            return 1;
    return 1;
I can provide what ever code is needed.

You never store the result (mysql_store_result).

Stupid me!

But why does it say Field/Row is empty even after I put mysql_store_result?

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT * FROM `orgs` WHERE `ID` = '1') - Successfully executed.

[13:30:56] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.

[13:30:56] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(X) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Y) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(Z) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(INTERIOR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(NAME) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(COLOR) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(LEADER) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN1) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN2) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(SKIN3) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON1) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON2) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(WEAPON3) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:30:56] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )

[13:30:56] CMySQLHandler::FetchField(BANK) - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Fields/Rows are empty.)

[13:31:16] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )

I'd suggest you to use sscanf to load this kind of stuff, I will write a code how you could load it using sscanf,


pawn Код:
stock LoadOrgs( )
    new id = 1;
    while( id < MAX_ORGS ) //Loop, checks all the slots, searching for data.
        format( Query,sizeof ( Query ),"SELECT * FROM `orgs` WHERE `ID` = '%d'", id ); // Selects all the information from the table
        mysql_query( Query );

        mysql_store_result( );//stores the data after using SELECT.

        if( mysql_num_rows ( ) ) //if the row is not null.
            if( mysql_fetch_row_format( Query,"|" ) )
                sscanf(Query, "p<|>fffis[24]s[11]s[24]iiiiiii", OrgInfo[ id ][ oX ],  OrgInfo[ id ][ oY ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oZ ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oInt ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oName ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oColor ],
                OrgInfo[ id ][ oLeader ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oSkin ][ 0 ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oSkin ][ 1 ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oSkin ][ 2 ], OrgInfo[ id ][ oWeapon ][ 0 ], OrgInfo[id][oWeapon][ 1 ], OrgInfo[id][oWeapon][ 2 ],
                OrgInfo[ id ][ oBank ]); //seperates the data into variable, so you could use it.

                CreateOrg(OrgInfo[ id ][ oX ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oY ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oZ ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oInt ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oName ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oColor ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oWeapon ][ 0 ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oWeapon ][ 1 ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oWeapon ][ 2 ],
                OrgInfo[ id ][ oSkin ][ 0 ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oSkin ][ 1 ],OrgInfo[ d ][ oSkin ][ 2 ],OrgInfo[ id ][ oType ]);  //creates the organization, using the data that sscanf loaded
    return 1;
Explanation inside, sscanf version looks simple and neat, eh'?

"p<|>" = Delimiter. / Split's the string.

Thanks man, sscanf was actually a good idea.

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