samp03svr Does nothing

Im new to linux and im trying to run a samp server, I have everything setup but when I click samp03svr it does nothing, Any suggestions? Also im using gnome desktop for linux.

I found the issue, I have a 64 bit.

Is their a method to bypass this and use the client on 64 bit? I cant install ia32-libs because I run other games off the same host.

Have you changed the Rcon password in the server.cfg? It might instantly close because the Rcon pass is not changed from the default.

Originally Posted by Jstylezzz
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Have you changed the Rcon password in the server.cfg? It might instantly close because the Rcon pass is not changed from the default.
I have changed the password, It still does nothing.

Have you tried running it with a command line? In the terminal, navigate to the place where the samp03svr is located and do './samp03svr'. That's how I always run my server on linux. I don't have a desktop thing though, not sure if it would be different.

(Little side note though, this probably should be in the Server Support section, since you ask something server related)

I found the issue, I have a 64 bit.

Is their a method to bypass this and use the client on 64 bit? I cant install ia32-libs because I run other games off the same host.

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