Player Marker

I want that, a player marker on map can only see his team not anyone else
I mean a player can see only the marker of his team mate not of his enemy.
Pls tell me how to do that

pawn Код:
public SetPlayerToTeamColor(playerid)
    if (gTeam[playerid] == teamVariable1)
        SetPlayerColor(playerid, teamVariable1color);
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(gTeam[i] == teamVariable2)
                SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i , playerid, ( GetPlayerColor( playerid ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) );
    if(gTeam[playerid] == teamVariable2)
        SetPlayerColor(playerid, teamVariable2 color);
        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(gTeam[i] == teamVariable1)
                SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i , playerid, ( GetPlayerColor( playerid ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) );
    return 1;
i made this but didn't test

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