Store Clerk Person Object <-- Question!

In some servers i've seen when you walk into a 24/7 they have a clerk there but he doesn't do anything just stands. Is that actually an NPC or can you create a person object? How do they do that without taking up a slot? It just doesn't seem reasonable to have like 30 NPCs just as store clerks to stand there? Thanks guys!


NPC. Who doesn't do anything. I am not 100% sure.

I've never tried it but you could try CreateObject(skinid, .......); skins are objects at the end of the day. If that won't work, then just make an NPC that just stands there and does nothing.

Probably an NPC. You could check by hitting him. If the person responds by moving due to your hit, then it's an NPC. I have seen an NPC as an object in sa-mp map editor, but actually never tried it. Hope I helped you.

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