Samp map construction bug

Alright so basicly, i have modded dff and coll files ( result in the background ) and it pops up this message below when i add both dll and col files to my gta3 img file, it works fine with only the modified colls tho'. I do not have anything related to gta running in the background except my editor. ( even rebuilt the img file twice, still giving me the same shit )

This issue is only bothering me, i can still mod and save my things but this shit pops up every 30 seconds. Any idea to disable that error message or a solution to fix it ?


Edit ; This only happens when i'm near one of my modified building, been roaming around richman for bout 5 minutes without getting the error while it pops up every 30 seconds at mall or everywhere else i modded the buildings, I have 5 modded col files, it wasnt fucking up so much when i had 3.

Halp pls sir pls

It's probably because you haven't combine all the .col files into 1 collision archive, causing the SA engine to load more than 255 .col files and cause errors.

Can you give me a quick resume on how to do that with Collision editor II ?

It's definetly to do with your files, you obviously did the mod wrong and your files aren't proper format or use some special magical stuff that isn't part of original game.

You're most likely missing files.

Originally Posted by majortnt99
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Can you give me a quick resume on how to do that with Collision editor II ?
Simply open a new file using the editor, and then open all your 5 .col files and extract them all. Finally import them into your newly opened file and save it. Of cource you have to put this file into a IMG file (probably custom.img) and remove the 5 .col files in that IMG archive. Rebuilding your IMG archive is also recommended.

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