Connection Logs

Hey all.

I just wanted to know if it was possible to make a log that would show a list of a user's connected time to the server..

For example: One day, Max would login at 02:01 and log out at 02:02 but I want to see the xxx hours xxx minutes xxx seconds.

Yes, I tried it but I failed so now I'm asking for help!

You can use the default log for this, using printf and gettime when player diconnects.

pawn Код:
new LoginTime[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    LoginTime[playerid] == gettime();
    return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason)
    new n[24];
    printf("Player %s had been online for %s",ConvertSeconds(gettime() - LoginTime[playerid]));

stock ConvertSeconds(seconds)
    new hours, mins, secs, string[50];
    hours = floatround(number / 3600);
    mins = floatround((number / 60) - (hours * 60));
    secs = floatround(number - ((hours * 3600) + (mins * 60)));
    new days = 0;
    if(hours >= 24)
        days = floatround((hours/24), floatround_floor);
        hours = hours % 24;
    if(days > 0)
        format(string, 50, "%dd, %dh %dm and %ds", days, hours, mins, secs);
    else if(hours > 0)
        format(string, 50, "%dh %dm and %ds", hours, mins, secs);
        format(string, 50, "%dm and %ds", mins, secs);
    return string;

Thanks! Sadly, I received numerous errors not related to this....but the errors go away when I remove the script from my GM.

better thing to do, just check ur server.log in the server directory.
it shows u the time in hh:mms format.
the only down side to it is that it doesnt show u the day/date.
for that u need to make a custom log.
like under OnPlayerConnect you can make a formatted string to log...
[%d/%d/%d (date) %d:%d:%d(custom timestamp) %s (playername) %d (player ip) has logged in"
and then under OnPlayer Disconnect
(variables in a similar manner) ...........has logged off.
hope it helped.
if you didnt understand, temme which part, and ill explain till u dont. cheers

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