[FilterScript] Weapon SYSTEM

Made by me, enjoy!

With this filterscript you can ban/unban weapons ingame via some rcon commands. You can also disable/enable drivebys. In addition to the normal antidb you can also ban individual players from drivebys, for those players who are serial db'ers. It also disables players from being able to enter a vehicle as a passenger when there is no driver. Also you can ban any weapon from being used in a driveby individually. All settings are saved to an ini file named "WeaponConfig.ini" via y_ini. You can also set the update time which is how often illegal weapons will be checked default set at 10 seconds. If a banned weapon is found the player will be disarmed. Players will just have their weapon set to unarmed for drivebys.

The features are
You can disable drivebys
You can disable any weapon from being used in a passenger driveby.
You can disable individual players from commiting drivebys.
Players can't enter a vehicle (as passenger) without a driver.
You can disable any weapon from being used. In or out of vehicles.

The commands all of them is rcon:
/weaponhelp - list all Weapon commands
/banweapon, /unbanweapon - Can be name or weaponid, will disarm players with this weapon
/bandb, /unbandb - disable/enable drivebys
/bandbweapon, /unbandbweapon - Can be name or weaponid, disables passengers from using this weapon
/banplayerdb - Ban individual player from dbs.
/weaponupdate - change the update time for weapon checks
/banallweapons. or /baw - Ban all weapons

http://www.solidfiles.com/d/84792aee13/ - AMX
http://www.solidfiles.com/d/d6e8b2133d/ - PWN

This is fucking unique, this is the Wizza i know keep it up bro!!

Thanks bro

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