pls help

can any body remove this object do remove convert to this :

<map edf:definitions="editor_main">
<removeWorldObject id="removeWorldObject (des_snakefarm_) (1)" radius="30.67555809021" interior="0" model="16108" lodModel="16594" posX="-25.21094" posY="2338.78125" posZ="27.50781" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></removeWorldObject>

Do you mean remove the object from your MTA map? I believe you just click it and press delete, or just play around with it until it goes. I think it's a pretty innovative system though.

The aforementioned code shouldn't be in your script, because it's the wrong type of code. In your script, it would look something like:

pawn Код:
And removing that line of code would remove the object.

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