09.10.2013, 16:19
This is my snippet
And i want that if player presses the "O.K" button
it should instantly Spawn the player
I've tried with OnDialogResponse but it ended up in bunch of errors
So can you tell me the correct code and way?
pawn Код:
format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""W"Welcome back, "Y"%s"W"! \n \n "Y"•"W" Your hours: "Y"%d \n "Y"•"W" Your minutes: "Y"%d \n "Y"•"W" Your seconds: "Y"%d \n \n "W"For more, please view "Y"/stats"W"! \n To see all the server commands, please write "Y"/cmds"W"!"
, pName ( playerid ) , P_DATA [ playerid ] [ Hours ] , P_DATA [ playerid ] [ Minutes ] , P_DATA [ playerid ] [ Seconds ] ) ;
SPD ( playerid , 6 , DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX , ""Y"L"W"o"Y"g"W"i"Y"n" , string , "O.K" , "" ) ;
it should instantly Spawn the player
I've tried with OnDialogResponse but it ended up in bunch of errors
So can you tell me the correct code and way?