Need few tips/helps on Admin system.

Hello guys, whatever server I am working on, currently has very basic admin type.

Well I wouldn't call it basic whatsoever it's pretty simpler.

I thought of changing my admin system into dynamic one.

Meaning, I want commands like.

/setadmintitle --> This would set admins titles and only leads admin has rights to use this commands. Like

/setadmintitale <playerid> , <Title name> --> /setadmintitle David_Luango General Adminstrator

/setflags --> set's admins flags - meaning the permission, Like lets say.

/setflags David_Luango Ban --> this would give player a ban command.

Something like that, I really need help/tips regarding this, Note I am using mySql system. Also The titles/flags would save.

you just ads server here..

Originally Posted by Fitri
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you just ads server here..
He did not.

Originally Posted by DavidLuango
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Hello guys, whatever server I am working on, currently has very basic admin type.

Well I wouldn't call it basic whatsoever it's pretty simpler.

I thought of changing my admin system into dynamic one.

Meaning, I want commands like.

/setadmintitle --> This would set admins titles and only leads admin has rights to use this commands. Like

/setadmintitale <playerid> , <Title name> --> /setadmintitle David_Luango General Adminstrator

/setflags --> set's admins flags - meaning the permission, Like lets say.

/setflags David_Luango Ban --> this would give player a ban command.

Something like that, I really need help/tips regarding this, Note I am using mySql system. Also The titles/flags would save.
It was his signature.

Originally Posted by Fitri
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you just ads server here..

Anyways, do not go off topic.

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