09.09.2013, 14:33
Ok well
If i try this:
Yea work but don't show all informations (only nivel - bani)
If i try this
don't work. unknown command
How can i make a maybe big dialog to show full info
If i try this:
new str[1024]; format(str,1024,"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"color_green"Informatii despre cont\n"); format(str,1024,"%s"color_cyan"Nume jucator: %s - "color_red"%02d.%02d.%02d\n\n\n",str,name,d,m,y); format(str,1024,"%s"color_red"Cont:"wh": \tNivel:[%d] Sex:[%s] Ore jucate:[%s] Bani:[%s] Banca:[%s] Nr.telefon:[%s] Salariul:[%s] RP:[%s]\n",str,level,atext,ptime,cash,account,pnumber,spayday,exp); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 6518, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, " ", str, "Gata", "" );
If i try this
new str[2024]; format(str,2024,"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"color_green"Informatii despre cont\n"); format(str,2024,"%s"color_cyan"Nume jucator: %s - "color_red"%02d.%02d.%02d\n\n\n",str,name,d,m,y); format(str,2024,"%s"color_red"Cont:"wh": \tNivel:[%d] Sex:[%s] Ore jucate:[%s] Bani:[%s] Banca:[%s] Nr.telefon:[%s] Salariul:[%s] RP:[%s]\n",str,level,atext,ptime,cash,account,pnumber,spayday,exp); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 6518, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, " ", str, "Gata", "" );
How can i make a maybe big dialog to show full info