03.09.2013, 11:55
I'm making a Car system, this is my first MySQL Dynamic System, i need help. How can i make a Load.
In OnGameModeInit i have this:
I maked a enums,MAX_CARS and that...
In UcitajAuta I have somthing like this but dont work, my version of MySQL is R31.
I'm making a Car system, this is my first MySQL Dynamic System, i need help. How can i make a Load.
In OnGameModeInit i have this:
I maked a enums,MAX_CARS and that...
In UcitajAuta I have somthing like this but dont work, my version of MySQL is R31.
stock UcitajAuta() { for(new i; i < MAX_CARS; i++) { new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM cars WHERE id=%d",i); mysql_tquery(query); mysql_store_result(); } }