Need Help Withc Respone next page commands

    new PT[2900];
    strcat(PT, "{FFFFFF}>: {46BEE6}YounG Stuners!(YS) Player Rules  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 1.Do not use cheats, hacks or any kind of mod to give you unfair advantages over other players.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 2.Racism is not allowed   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 3.Do not abuse the helicopter (this refers to not disturb or kill people with it).   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 4.Do not steal the cars of those who are in a tuning shop (like / tune1 / tune2 / tune3 /tune4 etc)   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 5.Do not ask about the status of admin. We'll ask you if you are qualified enough to get it.   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 6.Respect the players and administrators, NOT annoy people when they typing or using holding objects.   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 7.Do not use vehicles or Ambulance Enforcer during a fight, ONLY use them later.   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 8.No incites people to use the / q / quit, it's no fun.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 9.Do spawnkilling or (thrall) in the spawn points of players or some specific teleports.   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 10.Do not use the command / gotoh (to get health and armour) during a fight, only use it after.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 11.Do not use Vortex to kill vehicle (driveby) people. It's just to drive it or use it to (fly), not to kill.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 12.Do not park your vehicle in between the road.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 13.Do not park your vehicle in between the road, in airports or in the hospital(spawn area)  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 14.Do Not Flood or Spam in Main Chat and do Not offenzive language while Chatting  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 15.You Should Register On Our forum In Or  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 16.Using someone else’s name, or a very similar form of i Will Realease A ban   \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 17.No complaining to Admins unless needed. Please dont waste our time!  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 18.Do not try to avoid death by pressing Esc. Button.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 19.If any ADMIN tells you to stop shooting a player you must stop.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: 20.Players are not allowed to use any kind of SA-MP exploit.(CBug,Slide Bug).  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: Refusing to obey will result in a mute, punishment, kick or ban.  \n", sizeof(PT));
    strcat(PT, "{00FF00}>: This Server obeys the Terms and Conditions made by SA-MP Team at  \n", sizeof(PT));
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{46BEE6}YounG Stuners!(YS)Player Rules:", PT, "I Agree", "I Disagree");
    return 1;
Can anyone help i can preass in Next and it seen next page

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