CJ skin mod.

Hello, I want to edit the CJ skin.
But wich are all CJ's body parts?
The head, Spine, Hands and so on?
.txd & .dff names.
I'm looking for them already 3 weeks.

Use program called Ped Editor , find the CJ in there and export the skin (should work - never tried though) :


Guy above me is wrong.

Get something to export the DFF and TXD with. Like IMGTool and txdworshop and so on.
Open the DFF in 3ds max with Kam's max scripts.
I can't remember the name of the tabs, the menu on the right that is, should give you a list of bones.
You're probably not really getting far with editing the skin though, as I assume you don't know what UVW mapping is, or what polygons are, NURBS and so on.

Originally Posted by Duck
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Guy above me is wrong.

Get something to export the DFF and TXD with. Like IMGTool and txdworshop and so on.
Open the DFF in 3ds max with Kam's max scripts.
I can't remember the name of the tabs, the menu on the right that is, should give you a list of bones.
You're probably not really getting far with editing the skin though, as I assume you don't know what UVW mapping is, or what polygons are, NURBS and so on.
As I said I have never tried it so I could be wrong.
BTW How did he will know which files to use ? That Ped Editor will show him which DFF and TXD files he need so he could use it .

Originally Posted by NiceWizard
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As I said I have never tried it so I could be wrong.
BTW How did he will know which files to use ? That Ped Editor will show him which DFF and TXD files he need so he could use it .
Because he's unable to export them?

Originally Posted by Duck
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Because he's unable to export them?
Yeah I didn't mention it cos I think he know which programs to use to export it , I only recommended PED Editor because he can check which files he need for example for CJ or whatever so generally I'm right.

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