12.08.2013, 06:22
Is it bad to make 7 or so includes just for Stocks,New functions,Commands,colors etc?
#include <a_samp>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <streamer>
#include <zcmd> // or whichever processor.
// other normal includes,
// now, your includes for better script optimization
// first, make a folder where you will be placing your includes.
// in this instance, i will name the folder 'script'
// place colors first, as you might use them in your other ones, then right after, stocks, as you would use them
// then publics, as you will also use them.
#include "script\stocks.pwn"
#include "script\publics.pwn"
#include "script\commands.pwn"
#include "script\other.pwn"
stock GetPlayernameEx(playerid)
// Code.
// any other stocks in here.