11.08.2013, 12:27
Basically, if I remove the if(dooropen == 0)
the object moves like it's supposed to, but I need the if statements to allow it to be used in the manner I need it.
dooropen is a global variable
chaindoor is the object under ongamemodeinit
the object moves like it's supposed to, but I need the if statements to allow it to be used in the manner I need it.
dooropen is a global variable
chaindoor is the object under ongamemodeinit
pawn Код:
CMD:door(playerid, params[])
if(LoggedIn[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_GREY, "You must be logged in to use this command.");
printf("door open = %d", dooropen);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3.0,321.45309, 310.08768, 998.14099))
printf("range check");
if(dooropen == 0)
printf("door open = %d", dooropen);
MoveDynamicObject(chaindoor,321.45309, 310.08768, 998.14099,1.0,0,0,-90);
printf("objectid = %d", chaindoor);
printf("object moved");
dooropen = 1;
printf("door open = %d", dooropen);
if(dooropen == 1)
printf("door open = %d", dooropen);
MoveDynamicObject(chaindoor,321.45309, 310.08768, 998.14099,1.0,0,0,360);
dooropen = 0;
return 1;