GetServerVarAsInt("weather") Bug in S.O Windows 8

good at all.

in OS Windows 8 does not work on OS change as Windows 7 Ultimate and bottom works fine and detects the weather perfectly.

Example of use:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:test(playerid, params[]) {
    switch(random(5)) {
        case 0: SetWeather(2), printf("weather ID: %d", GetServerVarAsInt("weather")); //returns to 0
        case 1: SetWeather(1), printf("weather ID: %d", GetServerVarAsInt("weather")); //returns to 0
        case 2: SetWeather(8), printf("weather ID: %d", GetServerVarAsInt("weather")); //returns to 0
        case 3: SetWeather(9), printf("weather ID: %d", GetServerVarAsInt("weather")); //returns to 0
        case 4: SetWeather(4), printf("weather ID: %d", GetServerVarAsInt("weather")); //returns to 0
    } return true;
thank you very much,
sorry for my English.

I have no idea what you just said.

He says that code doesn't work on Win8, but it does on Win7. If you don't exactly know what he is talking about, think what could he have on his mind.

He could have anything on his mind right now, things like, "hmm, what to do..", "i'm hungry" or "wow, that cow is really awesome.".

I get it though.

This code (that randomly changes weather with a command) doesn't work on his windows 8 PC (and it did work on windows 7).
The GetServerVarAsInt(); function doesn't return the right weather id.

When you change weather you can save it into a variable and when you want to get it you can read this variable and problem will be fixed.

I think samp team should fix another more important bugs like smoke granade, satchel charges or nightvision synchronization before he will fix bugs which can be fixed by simple script.
#7 xDD

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