Question about hash

Is ok this?
i input pw '123bjj' then saved in my account file as '398066741'
Is possible save inputted password with y ini and how?

I think you can't, it's to protect others people private password.

Yes it is possible.
under register dialog write this
pawn Код:
new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid));
                INI_SetTag(File,"Player's Data");
          //      INI_WriteInt(File,"Password",udb_hash(inputtext)); //Instead of that

//on login dialog

    if(strlen(inputtext) == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass])  //right password
I didn't test it but I think it will work

yes its possible but saving raw passwords, ESPECIALLY in .ini files, is a very very very bad idea.

There are tutorials on the forum on how to do this. Learn how to do it and work it into your script. A small pushstart:

pawn Код:
new Buf[129], randSalt[SALT_LENGTH], combinedHash[129], saltTmp[11], Query[500], zStr[450];

    randomString(randSalt, SALT_LENGTH);

    format(combinedHash, sizeof(combinedHash), "%s%s", randSalt, inputtext);

    //For some really weird reason, using WP_Hash makes randSalt equal to randSalt + Buf.
    //We want to save what the salt originally is though, so we set it to another variable that won't get corrupted.

    WP_Hash(Buf, 129, combinedHash);
    printf("saltTmp is %s", saltTmp);

    //If you use Linux and try to use db_get_assoc or db_get_field on ANY empty DB field the server will CRA-A-A-ASH
    //There are fixes.
        //You can use .inis too, this example is just to show the values that you would write.
    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `Accounts` \
                                    (`IP`, `Name`, `Password`, `Salt`) VALUES \
                                    ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');"
                                    GetPlayerIPEx(playerid), playerName(playerid), Buf, saltTmp);

    stock randomString(strDest[], strLen = 10) {
        while(strLen--) {
            strDest[strLen] = random(2) ? (random(26) + (random(2) ? 'a' : 'A')) : (random(10) + '0');

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