Starting work at nearest checkpoint

The autowork option in my gamemode is bugged at the moment and doesn't actually work. Instead i'm trying to set it up so when you type /w (work) to start a mission, it will start at the NEAREST checkpoint. Right now it is set to random. Below is the code, anybody know how to fix this? Thanks

else if(TypeFlight[playerid] == 4) // dodo
	    StartedMission[playerid] = 1;
	    new rand = random(sizeof(DSLocations));
		new string2[65], message[128];
		SetPlayerFlightCheckpoint(playerid, DSLocations[rand][LocX],DSLocations[rand][LocY],DSLocations[rand][LocZ], 15.0);
		format(string2, sizeof(string2), "%s", DSLocations[rand][LocationName]); //PASSWORD
		strmid(FirstAPName[playerid], string2, 0, strlen(string2), 128); //PASSWORD
		//FirstAPName[playerid] = ALocations[rand][LocationName];
		//FirstAPName[playerid] = AndroDName;
		format(message,sizeof(message), "Head to {1B8AE4}%s {FFFFFF}and pick up the passenger.", DSLocations[rand][LocationName]);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, message);
		MissionStage[playerid] = 1;
		WantsRecording[playerid] = 1;
		Pos1[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocX];
		Pos2[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocY];
		Pos3[playerid] = DSLocations[rand][LocZ];

yea, i'm having the same problem but nobody ever replies to any serious questions. they're too busy responding to moronic insignificant posts!

you can use GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint to get the nearest point.

maybe replace [rand] with [playerid]

Originally Posted by dominik523
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you can use GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint to get the nearest point.
This didnt work.. thanks though

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